Fair Game’s message is something I am very passionate about – there is nothing I want more than to know I’ve made a difference in improving the profile of cardiovascular disease in Australia. Seeing the unmet needs of underserviced Australians first hand solidified my desire to make a difference in these communities. Looking back, it was the combination of a supportive team, a desire to make a difference and pride to be a part of Fair Game that made my nerves feel so insignificant, allowing me to overcome them.
Since returning from the Pilbara trip, my life has improved ten-fold. While working with the other Perth coordinators is still the highlight of my week, I no longer feel dependent on them to be able to run a session. In the hospital setting, my new-found confidence has helped me build better rapport with patients and consultant, making my day a lot more fulfilling. Doctors have a fundamental role to be a leader, and thanks to Fair Game I finally, after more than twenty years of struggles, feel that I can achieve that.